I Heart Faces Fix-It Friday... Las Vegas Children's Photographer

So I am a little frustrated. I have been working in updating my blog to a template that allows for larger pictures. This has been successful however- as you may notice, there is nothing in my sidebar. It's all below my blog posts. I can't figure out what I have done or how to fix this. So I have reached out to the blogger community for assistance. If you happen to have an idea as to what I may have done- chime in. I am all ears, as blog design and coding is really not my forte!
A couple of weeks ago I had the pleasure (it always is) of photographing my adorable nephew Mason. He is a BIG 8 month old! I am so proud of him and his squishy cheeks :) ♥ You!
This is my very first submission to the I ♥ Faces weekly Photo competition. This weeks theme was Hands on Fun. We have a lot of this at my house, so capturing what I though was the perfect picture was easy. Luke and Riley had a painting session that was captured beautifully in this shot- Enjoy!
I don't want this to sound like a pity party- but I have come to terms with the fact that it is pretty likely that I am writing these blogs to nobody. Getting followers seems impossible. Getting people to participate in an EASY contest to win FREE stuff also seems impossible. Soliciting new business- also impossible. This economy makes it very difficult to get a new budding business off the ground- REGARDLESS of how talented you may be.
It's been a rough day.
I spent all day filing taxes, maybe that is why. The business taxes for Catlow were great. Worked the prior years taxes down to next to nothing. Hopes were high- everything was going great. Until I started my own taxes for last year. UGH- I have never owed money to the IRS before, so that my friends is stressful in itself. No numbers, can't relive it. Stresses me out.
So in case you didn't know- I am divorced. I have two wonderful children- Riley & Luke, and their Dad is one of my best friends. However we run through the same complications that most divided households do- or at least I think they do. Different house; different rules. Without offending the other parent, how do you come to some sort of an agreement regarding body flatulence at the table? It's a no go in my house- not the case else where I assume. This is an ongoing struggle.
I was looking forward to getting out of the house to get some golden spoon frozen yogurt tonight. We have been stuck inside all day thanks to the IRS- but alas, my son didn't finish his dinner and I have to play to role of good and responsible mother and withhold the reward of ice cream, due to lack of eating.
Do you ever just want to give up?
I just joined a few different public listings for High School Senior Photographers. This is a big step- I am trying to get my name out there, and it's tough....but I am trying to put my nose to the grind stone!
This is one site that I joined:
High School Senior Pictures Photographers Directory
Check it out, there are lots of talented people there!
I attending my very first meeting of the Nevada Camera Club on Friday night. I know what you are thinking- man, she's got an amazing night life! I am a mom of two munchkins, my night life has long passed friends. I paid my annual dues, and am now a full fledged member! I am hoping to learn a lot from the members there to apply towards my photography.
One of the nice things is that we are presented with the opportunity to photograph things that may be typically outside of our skill set, or category. The Club was sponsoring a Photo Scavenger Hunt. We were presented with a list of "Things" and a time frame, and my friends- that was that. We were left to interpret this list as we pleased and photograph whatever it was that our hearts desired, so long as we felt it fit the list. Oh- there was one last rule......NO EDITING! The pictures were to never leave our memory cards- so the extra photoshop helping hand was OUT! This was extremely daunting for me, but what harm could it do. It's just a game.
I could have easily driven all over town to fulfill my hunt- but that is just too much work, and gas is way to expensive. So I racked my mommy brain! LOL- I know, I try to keep it in a separate compartment so that it doesnt overtake me completely. After a few minutes, I had the perfect location to take all ten shots that was just minutes from my house! I will fill you in on the FABULOUS location at the end of this blog- for now, check out my artist representation of the "list" :)
Hey Guys!
It's time to officially announce Life Steps Photography's very first BLOG CONTEST - Woo Hoo!!!! :)
Each of my 2010 contests will be geared towards a group of my loyal friends and readers!
So, without further ado, here's the skinny:
Blog Contest #1: Creative Portrait Session Locations
- Reply to this post with your idea for a creative and unique location for a portrait session. In addition you must post this contest on your Blog, Facebook, or MySpace. Email me the link to your post and you will be assigned an entry number based on when i receive your Idea and Link.
- The deadline to submit your location is February 28, 2010
- I will use random.com to select the winner.
So...What Do I Win?
I was getting to that! ; )
If you win, you will a FREE session with Life Steps Photography at Your Suggested Location and (2) 8x10's, plus 10% off any additional prints you order!
Remember, this contest is only open to Blog-Lovers of Life Steps Photography!
Good luck and get posting!!!
And I think that I am finally pleased with the "Final" layout of this blog, the color scheme, and my fancy little signature. If I never have to change my blog again I wouldn't complain AT ALL.
I'd love some feedback from you blog veterans out there. I would love to find a better "Share My Blog" set of icons (look to the right of the center blog section). Any one know where I can find those? My luck with google hasnt been so lucky today!
Last week I photographed a little doll named Audrey. She is three months old, and was happier to spend time on her tummy than I remember either of my kids EVER being! Enjoy the sneak peak!
Become a follower of Life Steps Photography and I will email you a coupon for $25 off of your sitting as my way of saying thanks!
Have a spare minute?
Visit my website at Life Steps Photography.
What a doll Aiden is. He is my LONG time friend Rachelle's son- and just full of energy! We had a wonderful afternoon at the park, full of playing! Thanks for the great shots little guy!
Oh boy- I have officially joined the blogging community. I think I need to do some more work on the layout of my blog, but it is up and running.
The point of my blog is to let my clients, friends, and family know what I am up to. Here you will my favorite shots from my most recent sessions, as well as FABULOUS deals and discounts that you wont find elsewhere!
So I would be honored to have you as a follower, and if you are a Blog veteran- ANY and ALL tips are welcome and appreciated :)
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